Tag Archives: travel

Machu PIcchu at dawn

we left Aguas Calientes at 4 AM, climbed to the entrance to Machu Picchu ruins and dashed up to the terraces to wait on the sunrise. so worth the burn!

Posted in Adventure Tourism, Culture, Cuzco, Peru, Travel | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Haves vs Have nots

“homeless in seattle.” so many homeless in seattle. all with signs. all defending their corner. what is their story? so much here: lady with 2 designer dogs juxtaposed with homeless guy’s dark (can you say hopeless) mix

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Space Needle

space needle from bainbridge island ferry

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Pics from the Bainbridge Island Ferry

taking pic of seattle skyline from bainbridge island ferry

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Seattle Sunset – from the Bainbridge Island Ferry

view of seattle waterfront as we arrived on ferry from bainbridge island around 9 PM

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Quest Field – Rock ‘n Roll Marathon

seattle marathon finish line celebration at Quest Field

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Water Station – Seattle Rock ‘n Roll Marathon 2011

water station near end of seattle rock ‘n roll half marathon

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Dinner in Seattle

fisherman’s restaurant, seattle

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Super size it!

chess in seattle. saw these guys playing in century square near pine and 4th avenue

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Street Artist

this young artist was using colored chalk, a water-color brush and a stylus to sketch a fruit stand across from the pike place public market

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