Tag Archives: hope

A Child’s Perspective

A few years ago I spent a week at Yale in a seminar taught by a well-known missions anthropologist. The insights I gained from Dr. Whiteman helped shape my approach to life and missions. One of the many things I … Continue reading

Posted in Children, Honduras, Hope, Life, Mission, Poverty | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Live it out!

Everything about this video inspires me – the end is over-the-top! As you take on this week, keep your eye on your impossible dream – don’t let anything or anyone get in your way!  

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Where there’s a will, there’s a way

 I took this picture last month on my way back to Cuzco. The little guy had his hands full. His mom or his dad must have told him to pick up some corn stalks on the way home from school. … Continue reading

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Winning out over the uncontrollable

This little guy caught my eye as I walked through a favela (slum) in Southern Brazil a couple of years ago. I was captivated by the look on his face. Despite what I considered filthy, wretched conditions surrounding him, he … Continue reading

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Life on the other side

stark contrast on the faces of the kids at the feeding station and these kids on the other side of the fence

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