The Relationship is What Matters

This is a re-blog from November 2008. The blog came to mind as I was sorting through some old family pictures. Gavin was five at the time.

It was a typical school day: boys up at 6:00 allowing time to play – the “call to cuddle” with mommy at 6:45 – baths – Dad preps and serves breakfast – Dad makes Zane’s lunch – boys watch cartoons as they eat breakfast – Mom drinks coffee as she scans the newspaper. Dad, the Clock Nazi, calls the family to prayer. Mommy sets the newspaper aside, Zane mutes the TV. Gavin gets on his knees, bows his head and puts his hands together.

Dad begins to pray: help the boys in school. As I continue to pray, Gavin gets off his knees, walks over to me and whispers in my ear, “Dad, you forgot to say ‘dear God'” As he returns to his kneeling position, I start over – “Dear God…” I wrap up the prayer with a solid AMEN. As I open my eyes, I notice Gavin looking at me. As we lock eyes, he smiles, gives me an approving nod, a thumbs up sign and a wink … all of these to a Dad who sometimes lets his schedule get in the way of his relationship with God.

Question: What tends to get in the way of your relationship with God?


About Your Mission Matters

My name is Mike Grober. I am the founder of Your Mission Matters. My passion is to help people discover and live their God-given mission. I have lived more than 20 years overseas. Photography, adventure tourism, Macs, mission trips, and my family are how I love to spend my time.
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