Are You a Pink Hummer?

I came across this pink behemoth as I walked to my car at a recent missions conference. The PNK HMR license tag failed to convince me pink Hummers are legal. Whereas the Hummer was designed and built to travel to the ends of the earth, Pink was not.  Pink goes best with  Mary Kay Cadillacs and Legally Blonde moments. Pink Hummers are oxymoronic – kind of like combining North Face with Victoria’s Secret (the queen of pink) – they don’t go together.

Mahatma Gandhi is quoted as saying, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Gandhi considered Christians Pink Hummers, an oxymoron who did more damage than good.

Let’s face it: bumper stickers, t-shirts and desk calendars are much easier  than a Christ-centered life. Go ahead and plaster your car with fish bumper stickers;  decorate your office with scripture-of-the-day desk calendars. They mean nothing to non-Christians if your words and deeds don’t back them up.

The Bible says, ” You are the light of the world. A city situated on a hill cannot be hidden” [Matt. 5:14]  As the light of the world a Christ follower’s words and deeds cannot be hidden.  A life radically abandoned to God is way more conspicuous, way more compelling and way more attractive than bumper stickers and t-shirts.

Reflection: Do you have days you feel like a PNK HMR, days filled with things that don’t belong in the life of a follower of Christ? What changes should you make in order to become the light God has called you to be?

About Your Mission Matters

My name is Mike Grober. I am the founder of Your Mission Matters. My passion is to help people discover and live their God-given mission. I have lived more than 20 years overseas. Photography, adventure tourism, Macs, mission trips, and my family are how I love to spend my time.
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