Monthly Archives: July 2011

No one better than anyone else

Why did God create only one human being? So that no one can say to a fellow human being: “My father was better than yours. the Mishnah

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justice in america

Yes, justice is a good thing. But, how do you do it? I heard of a Christian man who owns a chain of car dealerships. It is standard practice in the industry to negotiate the price of the car with … Continue reading

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Spiritual Bankruptcy

“It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). These words are a summons, a call-to-arms, if you will, to  stand up for the poor. Unfortunately, the excuses we make are never-ending. 3 of the most popular excuses … Continue reading

Posted in Brazil, Housing, Justice, Poverty | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Mother of all necklaces!

now this is a necklace you cannot help but notice! (Source:

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Little old lady in Limatambo Peru

while driving down a dirt road in the Peruvian Andes last month, i came across this lady, laboriously, and with the help of a cane, slowly making her way up the mountain. she must have been all of 4 feet … Continue reading

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givers vs takers

the key difference between the givers and the takers in this world is the latter’s refusal to acknowledge that his/her assets are not really theirs, but God’s. our role as keepers of the treasures of this world is not about … Continue reading

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Machu PIcchu at dawn

we left Aguas Calientes at 4 AM, climbed to the entrance to Machu Picchu ruins and dashed up to the terraces to wait on the sunrise. so worth the burn!

Posted in Adventure Tourism, Culture, Cuzco, Peru, Travel | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Navel Gazers

attention navel-gazers! you are looking the wrong way.

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